A world where possibilities Align


We facilitate institutional, community and personal processes for transformation



  • Mutual Accountability
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Innovation


The African Network of Professional Facilitators (ANProF) brings together professional practitioners in process facilitation with the aim of transforming and maximizing on the outputs of people-based development processes

We come together because of our observation that people-based development processes tend to be conflict prone. This is because of our very human nature, whether at team, group or organizational level. Often times such conflict is not physical. Instead it is manifested in people’s perception, beliefs, and attitudes.  

As ANProF, we see our greatest niche as professional facilitators, to help teams, groups and institutions improve how they work together, identify and solve problems, make decisions, and handle conflict. Our role then being that of providing guidance to the group to work together more efficiently by creating synergy, generating new ideas, and arriving at consensus and agreement.

We pride in our diverse membership from all over Africa that is composed of professional facilitators as well as those who believe in the course and are working towards becoming facilitators.

Aich Kitalyi
Dan Ochieng
David Omambia
Godgift Swai
Magareth Henjewela
Mary Njenga
Norah Bwaya


The ANProF network places itself advantageously in comparison to similar institutions. As a minimum, we recruit people with post-graduate qualifications from recognized universities. However, in special applications, especially with recommendations and strong reasons, we may take in members at graduate level, or having proven experience in facilitation.
Active Members


Our membership is composed of professional facilitators and those intending to become facilitators, development partners, consumers of facilitation services and institutions of higher learning.

Are you a practicing facilitator or young professional aspiring to become a facilitator?

My Benefits as an ANProF facilitator

Training programs at different credentialing levels
Knowledge base access
Profiling in the ANProF community platform
Job opportunities
Mentorship & Networking

Corporate Memberships

These are institutions of higher learning, development partners and consumers of facilitation services among others. Corporate membership will be considered for organizations that use facilitative approaches in their leadership, management, learning and development processes.

Membership Plans

See our facilitator membership plans below



Signup fee


Renewal fee

ANProF 1

0-2 years of experience

Has received formal instruction in interactive adult-learning methods and designing (TOT/F)



Signup fee


Renewal fee

ANProF 2

2-5 years of experience

1-5 programs as Lead Trainer/Facilitator

1-15 training programs participated

1-5 CPD courses

Has received formal instruction in interactive adult-learning methods and designing (TOT/F)



Signup fee


Renewal fee

ANProF 3

5+ years of experience

5-15+ programs – as Lead Trainer/Facilitator

15-25+ training programs participated

5-10+ CPD courses as Lead Trainer

Has received formal instruction in interactive adult-learning methods and designing (TOT/F)


We are determined to mobilize the means to implement the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda.


Here’s what our members had to say about the ANProF community

I chose to train through the ANProF network as I was aware they are the most reputable organization for professional facilitators in Africa, and the networking and courses available are the most in depth available.

Olivia Agbenyega

All of the facilitators are excellent, extremely professional and knowledgeable, and created positive learning environments. As the Board Chair, I’ve received nothing but positive feedback about all of the new facilitators who’ve recently joined.

Dan Ochieng

It’s a tremendous value that ANProF offers and people would be remiss not to take advantage of it. The instructors are knowledgeable and engaging, and the community is collaborative, helpful, and enthusiastic.

Magareth Henjewela

The ANProF network has done an outstanding job as our third-party training provider. Without exception, all of the ANProF’s trainers have been excellent and received extremely high ratings from participants on class evaluations.

Norah Bwaya

ANProF acknowledges the contributions of the following institutions


Frequently asked questions

1What does a facilitator do?

Pulvinar massa sit amet ipsum. Nunc consectetuer ac, vulputate tincidunt, risus eu nisl. Fusce gravida, nisl nulla in ornare lectus nec eros. Aliquam quis sem.

2Who can be a facilitator?

Cras orci. Mauris vel bibendum purus sit amet, pretium eu, fringilla at, nibh. Donec sollicitudin sed, ullamcorper id, eleifend nunc interdum ipsum pretium pellentesque. Praesent rutrum. In fermentum. Aliquam interdum malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

3As a member, does network provide facilitator training?

Vestibulum euismod nulla ultricies porta tellus tortor, non neque mauris, rutrum molestie, nunc eu sem ac imperdiet wisi. Maecenas facilisis neque, congue eu, urna.

4As a member, do I get access to the network’s events?

Nunc elementum. Mauris molestie quis, blandit libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et posuere cubilia Curae, Duis ipsum. Vestibulum elit metus, vulputate tellus enim, malesuada congue. Nam dolor nulla, rutrum pede porta urna quam, dictum ut, placerat eget, suscipit elementum leo. Aenean aliquet.

5As a corporate member, how can I access ANProF’s resources?

Quisque tortor. Nunc vitae purus. Fusce a diam. At, egestas dignissim, lorem sit amet, neque. Phasellus pulvinar risus. Suspendisse eu quam. Pellentesque ac nunc.

6As a corporate member, when should I hire an ANProF facilitator?

Suspendisse potenti. . Aenean vel odio consequat tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et malesuada pretium. Vestibulum fermentum. Praesent feugiat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, Nulla cursus vitae, dolor. Aenean lacus a auctor libero dolor, rhoncus vel, metus. Aliquam nonummy, erat. Quisque tortor. Nam diam ut sem. Mauris eros vulputate et, accumsan nisl at justo a ligula.

7Where can I find the ANProF Privacy Policy?

Nulla congue. Vivamus a elit. Integer faucibus orci blandit libero. Pellentesque fringilla viverra a, mauris. Praesent gravida sem. Integer faucibus sit amet enim. Duis eget elit viverra elit. Nam tempor nisl pellentesque auctor tortor nibh, dignissim nibh.

8I still have questions. Who can I contact?

Suspendisse pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique sem. In non est. Vestibulum dignissim vitae, placerat porta dolor sit amet, massa. Donec sodales felis, nec magna.


Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you.